Alanna, the Dragon Girl: After the events depicted in the graphic novel, Dragon Girl: The Secret Valley, Alanna and the crew of the airship Dragonfly begin to explore the strange valley of dragons they've stumbled upon. (To learn how Alanna and her companions discovered the secret valley and saved its residents from extinction, track down a copy of Dragon Girl: The Secret Valley from your favorite bookseller, or online from Amazon. You can even read the book as a daily page-by-page serial on GoComics.)

Week 1: Our Story Begins

Week 2: Flight School

Week 3: Walking the Dragon

Week 4: A Wild Ride

Week 5: The Trouble With Griffin

Week 6: Heartbreak?

Week 7: The Search

Week 8: Tracking Griffin

Week 9: Griffin On His Own

Week 10: Where's Alanna?
FYI—Part of my purpose for doing this strip (beyond entertaining you) is to experiment with new formats, styles and tools. In keeping with this goal, this is the first Dragon Girl strip created entirely digitally on the iPad Pro using Procreate. Cool, eh?!

Week 11: The Cave
All digital again this week, and from here on out.

Week 12: Griffin Ensnared

Week 13: Two Against An Army

Week 14: It Gets Worse!

Week 15: Life Or Death

Week 16: Stand And Fight

Week 17: One Last Chance

Week 18: Sound And Fury

Week 19: Safe At Last?

Week 20: Old Friends

Week 21: Big Brother

Week 22: Conclusion